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A maioria das imagens deste blogue foram retiradas da Internet. Se algum(a) autor(a) se sentir lesado(a), peço por favor que me faça saber para que retifique a situação. Grata.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Ah!... by Celia Paulo

Image of unkown source
Ah! How can I let you see

Can I let you feel this sense of me

If it starts with implicit accusations of betrayal

For not being the perfect ideal

There’s this and there’s that

There are roses and there are proses

Dressed of scent, of colour, of thorns

Undressed in words

Of which I do not know

If I show myself or I hide

And so they are part of me

Ah! This trying to make sense

Of the senseless state of evolutional wholeness

Reaching for an ideal

Wanting it perfectly delivered into being

Yet, can we be open and still

Can we feel the vulnerability

The shadow of the soul in us

Tugging at the egotistical coat we wear so well

Can we feel our core

Without shrinking back to hide it

Can we be at peace with

And willing to take it as our own

The very thing that compel us

Perpetually in its elusiveness

To the desired mint state

Ah! And we want a mirror

We want a mirror of light

Yet, can we be true to the desired reflection

Or are we a distortion going into space

Reverberating to reality

Holding us on and on

On the ties of:

Ah! How can I let you see …

Celia Paulo ©

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