Poetry and other such pearls (Some poems are mine and some are of my favourite poets, interwoven here and there with a plethora of quotations, song lyrics, poetic videos and other "stuff" that I love). )O( Poesia e outras pérolas (Alguns poemas são meus e alguns são dos meus poetas favoritos, entrelaçados aqui e ali com uma infinidade de citações, letras de músicas, vídeos poéticos e outras "cenas" que eu adoro).
Most images posted on my blog, I took from the internet . If any author feels wronged in some way, please let me know and I will rectify it. Thank you.
A maioria das imagens deste blogue foram retiradas da Internet. Se algum(a) autor(a) se sentir lesado(a), peço por favor que me faça saber para que retifique a situação. Grata.
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Thursday, 6 April 2017
"You pull me into your mystery" by Monika Carless
You pull me into your mystery—
Your cool, damp, pine-needle-littered oasis.
The secret of your mountain top revealed,
Only if I dare to tread there.
With bears, and wolves, and mountain lions.
I long to lie down in your mossy softness—
To breathe the wind that blows through your branches,
Where raindrops fall to drench my thirst…
For silence,
For beauty,
For scattered, bone-warming sunshine,
For unraveling secrets that haunt my being,
I can let my tears flow deep into your earthen bosom.
The Earth, my Mother, cradles me here.
Restore me, gentle spirit—
It is here that I call home.
Author: Monika Carless
Image: Flickr/Jon Bunting; Author’s own
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Sunday, 2 April 2017
extraído do livro NÃO HÁ FAMÍLIAS PERFEITAS, Marta Gautier
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...há mulheres que, pela exigência que fazem de si mesmas, não percebem que isto é uma ironia. Ao excesso de coisas que a sociedade nos cobra e, mais grave, que nos cobramos a nós mesmas: |
Juro ter os meus filhos penteados, limpos, bem vestidos, unhas cortadas, vacinas a tempo. Juro brincar com eles, ser uma mãe divertida, não andar em cima deles, ter vida própria. Juro garantir que aprendem e fazem os trabalhos de casa. Juro esclarecer dúvidas, nunca ir buscá-los depois das seis, dar recados na escola, receber recados da escola, fazer os poemas que a escola pede, fazer os fatos de Carnaval biodegradáveis que a escola pede, mandar dinheiro para o planetário, falar com os professores, falar com as educadoras, festejar aniversários no dia com bolos sem creme (como a escola pede), festejar outro aniversário, noutro dia animado e divertido, com convites, balões à entrada, chapelinhos, bolos com Smarties. Juro comprar presentes para colegas aniversariantes, levá-los às festas, esperar duas horas na rua, voltar a buscá-los. Juro saber lidar com as birras, controlar as birras, inscrevê-los num desporto, acompanhá-los ao desporto, ter um cartão para o desporto, vesti-los para o desporto, ver o desporto, tomar conta do bebé durante o desporto, bater palmas ao desporto, pagar o desporto. Juro escrever cartas ao Pai Natal, escrevê-las com canetas coloridas, estrelinhas à volta, mascarar-me de Pai Natal, deixar bolachinhas para alimentar o Pai Natal, de manhã limpar as migalhas deixadas pelo Pai Natal. Juro dar banho todos os dias, pôr creme todos os dias, mudar camas encharcadas, esfregar colchões encharcados, deixá-los ao sol, não gritar com crianças que encharcam camas, acordar às sete da manhã aos Domingos, ter antiderrapante na banheira, lavar dentes, ensinar a lavar dentes, cortar bifes, ensinar a cortar bifes, tirar cotovelos de cima da mesa, atar sapatos, ensinar a atar sapatos, tirar cebola do arroz, ter babetes impermeáveis, ler histórias, fazer vozes, ensinar músicas, ♪ põe o ovo lá no buraquinho ♪, explicar as instruções dos jogos, ir aos baloiços, empurrar os baloiços, ensinar a não ter medo dos baloiços, ♪ raspam, raspam, raspam ♪. Juro comprar trotinetas, bicicletas com rodas, bicicletas sem rodas, ténis com rodinhas, skates, lanternas, Cds do Panda, Barbies executivas, calças rotas. Juro dar semanadas, ensinar a gerir, ser justa, transmitir valores, valorizá-los, promover bons sentimentos, alimentar a criatividade, fazer aerossóis, e mais aerossóis, outra vez aerossol, ter Ventilan, conseguir atestado médico para voltarem à escola, evitar o excesso de televisão e chocolates. Juro não gritar, não lhes bater, não perder a cabeça, ir a sítios giros, estar atenta às companhias, fazer uma alimentação variada, cozer legumes, ensiná-los a gostar de legumes, verificar se puxam o autoclismo, ensinar a limpar o rabo, verificar se o rabo está limpo, ensinar a limpar o pingo, a pôr a tampa para baixo, a assoar. Juro pôr casacos quentes, gorros, limpar ouvidos, ter os brinquedos arrumados, ter os brinquedos por caixas, ter as caixas por temas, ter os temas actualizados, fazê-los cumprimentar as pessoas, garantir que não gritam, que fazem amigos, pô-los no penico, com amor.
Juro fazer bem o meu trabalho, evoluir profissionalmente, ser humilde, almoçar com colegas, rir com colegas, ter espírito de equipa, ser útil, prestável, ter presença, ter uma presença agradável.
Juro ter a casa arrumada a cheirar a limpo, aquecida, moderna, com design, velas de cheiro, centro de mesa, plantas, regar as plantas, ter quadros na parede, ter os quadros direitos na parede. Juro amar a minha casa, aproveitar a minha casa, ter gosto em cozinhar, surpreender, ter pão fresco, regar as plantas. Juro convidar amigos, saber receber, fazer tudo numa hora, quase sem se reparar, aperitivos, Ervas da Província, chão limpo, cantos limpos, sumos, sobremesas, chocolate quente para pôr em cima, cozinha impecável, abrir o vinho uma hora antes, Nespresso. Juro ser leve, despachada, não fazer dramas. Juro ter o frigorífico arrumado, sal e abrilhantador, fruta, iogurtes com pedaços, nunca deixar faltar leite, detergente, maçãs. Juro ter uma boa pessoa lá a trabalhar, que trate bem as crianças, que as lave atrás das orelhas, que passe a ferro num ápice, mal paga, um bom negócio.
Juro ser sexy, gira, estar gira, vestir-me bem, ter um rabo brasileiro, fazer sexo, comprar algemas. Juro ser companheira do meu marido, ser jovem para o meu marido, ser fresca para o meu marido, seduzir o meu marido, pôr batom para o meu marido, estar sempre pronta, botas leopardo, ter aperitivos para o meu marido, ignorar os seus gritos com os miúdos, ver o canal de notícias. Juro dançar, pintar as unhas, ter charme, ser fiel, ter o cabelo sedoso, pele brilhante, dentes brancos, comer saladas, beber água, fumar pouco, só para o estilo, conhecer a forma mais moderna de fazer um rabo-de-cavalo, pôr creme nos cotovelos, ter soutiens sem alças, soutiens com as alças juntas para certos tops, soutiens com alças giras quando é para se verem, calças brancas que não sejam transparentes, camisas transparentes que não sejam ordinárias, saias ordinárias que só pareçam modernas. Juro controlar o humor antes da menstruação, ter classe, viajar, ser uma boa companhia, visitar os meus avós, aprender com eles, levar-lhes os bisnetos, jantar nos meus pais, não me importar que dêem sombrinhas de chocolate ao netos, não me importar que os deixem jantar de prato no colo. Juro ter tempo, não me queixar, ser divertida, boa amiga, conciliadora, ouvir desabafos, desabafar, chorar só quando é preciso. Juro não ser parvinha, embirrenta, ciumenta, mole. Juro ser feliz, ter graça, inovar, sair com amigos, ler, ser culta, esperta, rápida, solidária, bem-disposta, optimista, interessante.
Juro solenemente.
Image/artwork: artist unknown
Image/artwork: artist unknown
"The Crazy Wisdom of a Heyoka Empath" by Alex Miles
“Crazy Wisdom practitioners have always inhabited the fringes of society, outside the normal framework of what is perceived to be ‘normal’ or ‘acceptable.’ Despite the disapproval of the Monastic Institution, they were especially loved and revered by ordinary Tibetans for their wild and unpredictable ways.” ~ Adamas, Buddha Brats—A Modern Tale of Enlightenment
Empaths have an inherent ability to sense, read, and make sense of the energy emanating from everyone and everything that exists in the universe.
Many empaths identify as Heyoka, which is a Native American word that means “sacred clown” or “fool.” Heyokas use humor to open people up, so that people energetically transition to a place where they can absorb wisdom and healing energies.
In Tibetan Buddhism, a Heyoka would be referred to as someone who has the attributes of “Crazy Wisdom.” Crazy Wisdom, which is a term coined by Chögyam Trungpa, describes an often controversial path to self-discovery that is seen by many as abnormal or irrational.
Trungpa Rinpoche often expressed himself in somewhat bizarre ways by using playful or shocking tactics to jolt people out of what he felt was a restricted and linear mindset. He believed this was a compassionate method, explaining, “When we talk about compassion, we talk in terms of being kind. But compassion is not so much being kind; it is being creative to wake a person up.”
It is thought that whoever follows the path of Crazy Wisdom is able to rapidly and effortlessly move through karma.
Those who practice Crazy Wisdom do not take themselves so seriously, and they surrender entirely to their natural character traits. However, they usually exist at the far edge of society, as they are often seen as troublemakers, delinquents, or divergents.
Heyokas, with their Crazy Wisdom, walk into the unknown with a strong faith that whatever they may endure is part of their destiny, and that if anything goes wrong, they have the ability to alter their course. They recognize impermanence, and that every move they take, whether positive or negative, leads to a lesson they need to learn.
Those who embody Crazy Wisdom can sense if something is upsetting someone often before the person becomes aware of it themselves, and through using humor, they are able to pull the issue out of the person, whether the interaction is welcomed or not.
Heyokas use jokes or trickery to shift people’s mindsets so that they snap out of restrictive, fixed modes of thinking and are able to look with wonder and curiosity at new possibilities, and from different angles, so that they perceive situations in a fresh way.
Heyokas with Crazy Wisdom do not talk conventionally; instead, they talk in riddles and avoid directly answering questions in order to encourage people to think outside their neatly defined boxes, and instead, consider a variety of options.
Heyokas have the ability to mirror other people’s behavior, so that it reflects back to them and gives them a clear view of how they are appearing to others.
The Heyoka acts, often subconsciously, as an emotional trigger to encourage people to unearth deep, unhealed, and emotional wounds that they are unaware of. When in the company of a Heyoka, people’s insecurities, flaws, faults, or weaknesses rise to the surface, so that they can receive the opportunity to heal.
Heyokas can sense heavy, negative vibrations in the air, and they can easily transmute them. Therefore, they are known to cause disruptions, with good intention, so that they can transmute the energy of an individual (or a whole group of people) to alter the mood or atmosphere, effectively turning the energy to be more positive.
People may identify as a “Heyoka Empath” due to noticing that other people often feel flustered, upset, intimidated, or irritable when in their presence.
Heyokas have enhanced intuition, giving them the ability to read and affect other people’s emotional states, which often causes people to back away or avoid them altogether.
Some people feel uncomfortable knowing that their hidden negative traits or tendencies become unveiled while in a Heyoka’s company. Often they are subconsciously attempting to guard their true character, and so, they don’t understand why the Heyoka’s presence causes them to feel so uneasy.
At the other end of the scale, those who are sincere, authentic, and open to the Heyoka’s healing energy will feel at ease, peaceful, relaxed, and loved while in their company. This is because they are vibrating on the same frequency, resonating strongly.
Heyokas are unpredictable and unconventional, and they do not adhere to society’s expectations, abide by rules, uphold cultural conditioning, or follow the masses. They are often seen as loose cannons, as people never know what they might do next. They are not afraid to ask the taboo questions that others may avoid, and their comfort zones are usually the areas in which the majority of people feel most uncomfortable.
They often do things upside down, or backward, to strike up a conversation or to get people’s attention. For example, they may wear their clothes back to front, or they may laugh loudly when they really feel like crying. Heyokas regularly deliberately say or do the opposite of what everyone else is doing to encourage them to see that they are following the crowds without questioning their reasons for doing it.
They extinguish the lines between darkness and light by embracing all of life’s ups and downs, recognizing that we are all a mixture of many experiences and personalities, and that none of us live “perfect” existences.
Heyokas are effective at deflating people’s egos through cracking jokes or making light of situations whenever people think of themselves as above others or whenever they take themselves too seriously.
Heyokas are reminders that nobody is enlightened, as enlightenment is a journey, not a destination. They show us how we are all a teacher and student at the same time, and that none of us know everything—as soon as someone thinks they do, their mind becomes narrow, limited, or closed to learning.
Sacred clowns and tricksters exist in almost all spiritual practices and cultures. They may all be known by different terms, but essentially it is someone who has a great deal of universal knowledge and wisdom, and has the ability to jovially awaken others. They walk a chaotic path, but one that holds great meaning and wisdom.
Many people fear the jovial but ruthless Heyoka, so they may either mask their true feelings or intentions, or avoid getting too close to them altogether. However, Heyokas have an inherent, natural skill that allows them to evoke the greatest revelations and provide people with the opportunity to discover deep, personal, and ancient knowledge through the use of chaos and humor.
Heyokas are spiritual teachers whose role on earth is to ruffle feathers and upset the status quo in order to advance evolution for a higher purpose that isn’t always recognisable or instantly understood, as at the time, it can feel extremely disruptive.
All that is required is for people to be courageous and vulnerable when Heyokas appear in their lives so that they open themselves up to their alternative healing methods. They will then receive the opportunity to begin demolishing patterns of behaviors that no longer serve them, to abolish rigid mental structures, to question strict and silent social rules and regulations, and to fearlessly embrace and see the beauty in the unfamiliar and unexpected, while learning to accept all aspects of their unique, paradoxical personality.
Author: Alex Myles
Image: Flickr/Lauren Treece
Editor: Travis May
Monday, 27 March 2017
Monday, 13 March 2017
"A woman of strength" by Ange Wilcock
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A strong woman—or “a woman of strength” as I like to call her—has a resilient spirit and a huge heart. She looks for the gold in every situation.
She endures pain, yet finds pleasure in the trauma. She’s experienced heartache, yet finds the diamond in every piece of her heart as she puts it back together. She needs no one, yet wants everyone. She feels deeply and shows gratitude.
She looks for balance, and she tries—with all her might—to take the highs with the lows, the good with the bad, and the pain with the joy.
Through being strong, she’s discovered what she wants and will pull out all the stops to get it. She’s also discovered this can cause her pain in the moment. If she stops to feel, it propels her forward. If she moves more quickly, it catches up with her and pulls her down.
She gives in to vulnerability when she needs to, yet she takes the time to acknowledge that it is necessary. When she feels it, the whole world knows.
She strives to be authentic at all times, and this can be one of her many blessings, but it can also be her curse, for people can take advantage of her honesty.
She can be quiet, but never still. Remember the saying “still waters run deep”? This is the mind of a strong woman. She may be quiet, but she is always thinking about how she can show up better in the world. She wonders how she can serve—how she can support—and this can drain her energy and leave nothing for herself.
She loves emotional intimacy. She loves to share her deepest, darkest fears with the people she trusts—and she expects them to share in return. She can, at times, forget that not all people are like her.
She fears nothing, yet hides from the crowd to simply observe the landscape. She will emerge when the time is right. For some, this may be never. She becomes the world’s best-kept secret.She has an innate ability to seek out the truth, which means she is not tolerant of lies. She will call you out, not for hurting her, but for lying to her. She opens herself to being hurt, but the truth is—you cannot pull her down.
She is creative and brave, but also cautious about who she shares herself with. Not because she doesn’t trust, but because she’s like a ball of fire when she gets going.
She pushes you to be your best, but her intentions can be misunderstood. She might be accused of not caring—of being selfish or cold—but she just wants to show you the way.
She has high standards for herself and doesn’t always understand why everyone else doesn’t. She is a warrior, so going into battle never worries her. She comes from a place of love and gratitude for all humankind. She keeps her standards high to help raise the vibration of the planet. Her purpose is lost on many, but she still plows on.
She knows her flaws, and she works on them. She sees them as stepping stones toward her ultimate goal of emotional freedom.
She requires space, but not isolation, to be who she is—to love and endure the beauty of life. She wants to experience all the highs and lows, not alone, but with a kindred spirit. When she retreats, she is looking for grace—not solitude.
If you can relate to this strong woman, you are not alone. You are among the few, but connected to many.
Be strong. Be courageous. Be bold.
The world needs you.
Author: Ange Wilcock
Image: Pixabay
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Image: Pixabay
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Friday, 10 March 2017
She let go ~ Rev. Safire Rose
She let go.
She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.
She let go of the fear.
She let go of the judgments.
She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head.
She let go of the committee of indecision within her.
She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons.
Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.
She didn’t ask anyone for advice.
She didn’t read a book on how to let go.
She didn’t search the scriptures.
She just let go.
She let go of all of the memories that held her back.
She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.
She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.
She didn’t promise to let go.
She didn’t journal about it.
She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer.
She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper.
She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope.
She just let go.
She didn’t analyze whether she should let go.
She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter.
She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment.
She didn’t call the prayer line.
She didn’t utter one word.
She just let go.
No one was around when it happened.
There was no applause or congratulations.
No one thanked her or praised her.
No one noticed a thing.
Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.
There was no effort.
There was no struggle.
It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad.
It was what it was, and it is just that.
In the space of letting go, she let it all be.
A small smile came over her face.
A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore…
Thursday, 16 February 2017
A POTÊNCIA DO AMOR – POR EINSTEIN – TEXTO MARAVILHOSO!: “FRAGMENTO DA ULTIMA CARTA DE EINSTEIN À SUA FILHA LIESERL ! O AMOR... Quando propus a teoria da relatividade, muito poucos me entenderam, e o que lhe reve
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Never doubt (a work in progress)
Whatever happened to the Holy Grail
One might wonder
So diaphanous on its powerful trail
So elusive and hollow
So visceral its roar
So many fingers, arrows, signals
Keep pointing, spinning, alluring
To a here or a there
Swirling of an undecisive wind rose
The twilight emerges
Gets dimmer
Night descendes
...a starless sky
Gets dimmer
Night descendes
...a starless sky
Whatever happens
The spark is on
Reflective light bounces all around
It whirls past blinded eyes
It ripples through the fabric of aeons
Time stands still
Into the vortex we go
At last the holy is in the grain
Ah! Moments like that...
Ever present
Ever knowing
Never doubt!
Celia M Paulo
Celia M Paulo
Half a pint of tears
Running through the fingers
Impossible to seize
Or to cling to
Does it leave a trace
Does it simply vanish
Vaporized into thin air
Too elusive to be noticed
Does it evade interpretation
Once long gone
Steamy and sexy
Now a misty misery
Of near despair.
Celia M Paulo
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Feliz São Valentim!
O teu perfume exclusivo

Tanto, que dou por mim, tal qual ávida leitora
Que em braille, vê com os dedos
O sol nascente, nos contornos de teu rosto
Olho-te, olhos nos olhos
E nesse olhar lânguido de prazer
Meu corpo procura o calor do teu
Como um barco que inefavelmente sedento e saudoso
Regressa ao seu oriundo porto de abrigo
Tudo vai, tudo vem
Tu és meu princípio, meu fim
Meu fim, meu começo
Esta ponte
... sol poente
A mar, mar, mar-te
Sou eu.
C M Paulo
Monday, 6 February 2017
Friday, 27 January 2017
Saturday, 14 January 2017
Monday, 9 January 2017
Sunday, 8 January 2017
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