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A maioria das imagens deste blogue foram retiradas da Internet. Se algum(a) autor(a) se sentir lesado(a), peço por favor que me faça saber para que retifique a situação. Grata.

Friday, 26 August 2016

To me, a true marriage is a heart-soul commitment and not the signing of a contract, but this?!!... Sweet music to my being!

“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.” ~ Bob Marley

She’s going to shake you up and cause chaos in your heart, she’s going to infuriate you and destroy any plans you ever had for normality—she is the kind of woman you make your wife for life.

The only promise this woman will make is that nothing in life will have prepared you for her.
She’s going to be inconvenient—and will likely make you feel vastly uncomfortable because she is going to challenge everything you thought you knew and all that you believed you wanted.
This woman will bring you to your knees and make you want to run for the hills.
Make a wife of the woman who makes you question everything.
She will be as intense as thunder and lightening within the chaos of a winter blizzard and as soft as the first pale pink buds of spring.
She’s going to take one look at you and destroy any walls that you hid behind, protecting your heart and your stagnant ways of life.
She won’t just look at you—but through you and see everything that you thought you were successful at concealing.
Make a wife of the woman who looks at you like the king you are.
This woman won’t be an equation to solve, yet somehow the answer will always be infinity.
She probably won’t fit neatly into your life, and might even cause more upheaval in the beginning than anything else.
But that is how you will know she is the one.
Make a wife of the woman who rearranges your life and changes all of it in an instant.
Her beauty will be a symphony of sweet confusion.
The harder you try to make sense of her and the place she occupies within your heart, the more the answers will elude you.
You won’t be able to compare her to any other woman or previous love.
It won’t even do any good to read any sort of instructions, because she’s truly broken the mold.
Make a wife of the woman who leaves you speechless at her originality.
This goddess is going to kiss you unlike ever before.
When she runs her fingers along your strong biceps she’s dipping her fingertips into the depths of your soul.
When she looks at you, she will make you feel as if you are the only man in the universe.
And that is because for her, you are.
Make a wife of the woman who makes you feel like the luckiest man in the world.
This once in a lifetime woman will patiently hold open her heart for you, inviting you in to make a home there.
She will listen with understanding and act with patience.
She’s going to sound like rain and taste like the sea.
Make a wife of the woman who never gives up on you.
This tenderhearted soul is going to challenge you in ways that you won’t always be ready for.
She may push you far out of your comfort zone and leave you feeling like your only choice is to run.
But you won’t—at least not for very long or very far.
She’s going to tend to you as she does her young spring seedlings—because she wants you to grow right along with her—even if it means growing in a different direction at times.
Make a wife of the woman who inspires you to be a better man every single day.
This woman will remain a mystery no matter how many times you read her sweet story.
She will mystify you at times, and drive you mad at others.
This unique soul will share with you, experiences you never imagined existed and make you feel emotions you never could have known.
Make a wife of the woman who makes you dream.
She will taste like honey fresh from the hive and move with the force of a spring leap tide.
Her eyes will gleam with the mischief of a darkened starry night, and her body will become the ride of your life.
She will create sapphire sparks of substance within her soft hands—and it’s there you’ll realize, it’s not the world she holds in the palm of her hand—but your heart.
Make a wife of the woman who feels like magic.  
This woman will possess the force of a thousand armies to stand up and protect you.
Her fearlessness and courage are inspired by the love she feels from you.
For when a woman knows her lover would go to the ends of the Earth for her—she will always return the sentiment.
Whether it’s her fight or not, she will be by your side.
Even if silently—or if she has to stand behind you in the shadows because it’s one only you yourself can battle.
Make a wife of the woman who will defend you to the bitter end.
This love won’t be many things.
It won’t be jealous or unforgiving—even spiteful or superficial.
It won’t always be easy and it most certainly won’t be predictable.
But the one guarantee—it will always remain real.
She won’t jump to conclusions nor will she think the worst of you.
And no matter what others say about you, she will always make up her own mind.
Make a wife  of the woman who trusts you explicitly and completely.
This amazing woman is going to make your heart feel just a little bit fuller.
She will be your first thought in the morning and the last before your eyes close heavy with exhaustion.
She will appear even in your dreams, and you’ll wake with her taste upon your lips.
Even in sleep you can’t escape her.
You will not only realize that she is yours, but you are hers.
Make a wife of the woman who becomes your heart.
She’s going to make you try things you never considered, and she will make the impossible seem possible.
She will touch you with thoughtful kindness and kiss you with eternal forgiveness.
She will simply become your everything.
Held within the tangled memories of a thousand delectable nights, and the reality of long days softened only by the sensation of velvety kisses upon fragile hearts—this is the kind of woman who you should make your wife.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Amor Pacífico e Fecundo

Não quero amor
que não saiba dominar-se,
desse, como vinho espumante, 
que parte o copo e se entorna,
perdido num instante.

Dá-me esse amor fresco e puro
como a tua chuva,
que abençoa a terra sequiosa,
e enche as talhas do lar.
Amor que penetre até ao centro da vida,
e dali se estenda como seiva invisível,
até aos ramos da árvore da existência,
e faça nascer
as flores e os frutos.
Dá-me esse amor
que conserva tranquilo o coração,
na plenitude da paz!

Rabindranath Tagore

Thursday, 18 August 2016

It doesn't interest me... I want to know

It doesn’t interest me what yoga pose you can do,
I want to know if you can stay in the tension of strength and vulnerability.

It doesn’t interest me what books you have read,
I want to know if you can live what you’ve learned.
It doesn’t interest me what workshops you’ve attended,
I want to know if you know there’s nothing wrong with you and that you’re enough.
It doesn’t interest me how long you can meditate,
I want to know if you can feel the depth of your feelings 
and cry and scream and rage at the pain of this world and your own.
It doesn’t interest me how many followers you have or how much money you make,
I want to know if you can be kind to yourself and everyone you meet.
It doesn’t interest me if you know how to make green smoothies,
I want to know if you love your body and if you can look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see.
It doesn’t interest me how many likes you get on a Facebook post,
I want to know if you’re transparent and if the person you are in real life is the person you portray online.
It doesn’t interest me how many friends you have,
I want to know if you can be a friend to yourself and if you can show up for the ones you love.
It doesn’t interest me if you say you can love,
I want to know if you can forgive and have compassion for those that have hurt you,
I want to know if you can forgive yourself,
I want to know if you can tell the truth,
I want to know if you can own your shadow and live in the magnificence of your light.
I want to know that you know your divinity
and can embrace being human.
Author: Catherine Hummel
Image: martinak15
Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Friday, 5 August 2016


O teu perfume exclusivo
Desperta-me os sentidos
Tanto, que dou por mim, tal qual ávida leitora
Que em braille, vê com os dedos
O sol nascente, nos contornos de teu rosto
Olho-te, olhos nos olhos
E nesse olhar lânguido de prazer
Meu corpo procura o calor do teu
Como um barco que inefavelmente sedento e saudoso
Regressa ao seu oriundo porto de abrigo
Tudo vai, tudo vem
Tu és meu princípio, meu fim
Meu fim, meu começo
Esta ponte
Meu sol poente
A mar, mar, mar-te
Sou eu.

C M Paulo