Most images posted on my blog, I took from the internet . If any author feels wronged in some way, please let me know and I will rectify it. Thank you.

A maioria das imagens deste blogue foram retiradas da Internet. Se algum(a) autor(a) se sentir lesado(a), peço por favor que me faça saber para que retifique a situação. Grata.

Friday, 31 October 2014

“Imagine a Woman” © Patricia Lynn Reilly, 1995


The image is of a statue by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart. The work is titled "Millennial Gaia Mother Earth." And can be found at

Imagine a woman who believes it is right and good she is a woman.A woman who honors her experience and tells her stories.Who refuses to carry the sins of others within her body and life.

Imagine a woman who trusts and respects herself.A woman who listens to her needs and desires.Who meets them with tenderness and grace.

Imagine a woman who acknowledges the past's influence on the present. A woman who has walked through her past. Who has healed into the present.

Imagine a woman who authors her own life.A woman who exerts, initiates, and moves on her own behalf.Who refuses to surrender except to her truest self and wisest voice.

Imagine a woman who names her own gods.A woman who imagines the divine in her image and likeness.Who designs a personal spirituality to inform her daily life.

Imagine a woman in love with her own body.A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is.Who celebrates its rhythms and cycles as an exquisite resource.

Imagine a woman who honors the body of the Goddess in her changing body.A woman who celebrates the accumulation of her years and her wisdom. Who refuses to use her life-energy disguising the changes in her body and life.

Imagine a woman who values the women in her life.A woman who sits in circles of women.Who is reminded of the truth about herself when she forgets.

Imagine yourself as this woman.

“Imagine a Woman” © Patricia Lynn Reilly, 1995

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Whispers of the Heart by Sharon Lyn Shepard

The Green Bough: A Little Morning Magic by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

The Green Bough: A Little Morning Magic: Sometimes The Call really is. . . . a call, complete with caller id. (And sometimes a synchronicity is just too much fun not to share.) ...

Come Alive by Howard Thurman

Não se pergunte o que o mundo precisa; pergunte-se antes o que a faz sentir viva.
E, em seguida, vá e faça isso mesmo.
Porque o que o mundo precisa é de pessoas que se sentem vivas .

Howard Thurman

"A journey worth taking..." (Anonymous)

A viagem mais longa que alguma vez terá, são os 45 centímetros de sua cabeça  ao seu coração ~

Wise ~Inner Solace~

Neale Donald Walsch ~ Universo Místico

Religion encourages you to explore the thoughts of others and accept them as yours. 
Spirituality invites you to put aside the thoughts of others and to have your own.

Maria Bethânia recita Eros e Psique de Fernando Pessoa

Friday, 24 October 2014

~ Tao Te Ching ~ 6th Verse ~

The spirit that never dies
is called the mysterious feminine.
Although she becomes the whole universe..
her immaculate purity is never lost.
Although she assumes countless forms..
her true identity remains intact.
The gateway to the mysterious female
is called the root of creation.
Listen to her voice...
hear it echo through creation.
Without fail.. she reveals her presence.
Without fail.. she brings us to our own perfection.
Although it is invisible.. it endures;
it will never end.

~ Tao Te Ching
6th Verse


"Cultivating consciousness, bringing awareness into your life, is the journey into the divine feminine."

Monday, 20 October 2014


Silent Melody

As the peacefull stillness of the night
Came upon me
My heart opened softly
Touched as it was
By the cosmic melody
In its murmured voice
The silence sang to me
Its music; pure, deeper
Sounds of ecstasy
The voice; a lullaby
On these wings i was taken
My dream; a reality
The silent night sang to me
And as the morning rose
So i became more of me.

W11 Ldn 1999 Célia M. Paulo

The way I go by Célia Paulo


Sunday, 19 October 2014

Of Earth & Rainbow (the pearl within)

Why do I lie
Why do I say the truth
Why do I say anything at all
If it is here
As a pebble in a brook
For all to see
Can you
Can I
Can we see?

It might be
That the brook became a once upon a time entity
Whereupon the passage of times
And our implicit contempt
For the once clear waters
Brought the brook to its present murky
Stale state of being
The pebbles as the hidden seeds
Of the lotus yet to be
Can I
Can you
Can we see?

And so we choose to see
What we want to see
And so we choose not to say
What we really want to say
And so the ripples grow larger and further
And so does the fertile ground for contempt
On this distorted, compulsive, capricious mirror
Do we stand too self-righteous
Do we dare to plunge the murky waters
After all who wants dirty hands
For all to see

Better to blame a faceless Goddess
Plunge the knife deeper into the redemptive body
Than to deal with this cry
And so the transformation
From seed to glorious lotus
Remains a dream
A yearning
Rotting painfully within the seed
On the bottom of a brook
For all to see

Oh! We do see it
We are not defeated yet
For as long as the surf can be heard on these shores
As long as the moonlight makes our presence known
On the sandy, shadowy grounds
As long as the tides flow and the seasons come and go
For as long as our skin is sun-kissed
We are here
And we came to stay
The body might stumble and bleed and hide to heal
But this is our home
The creative womb
We cannot die

Although we might yet lie
Might yet say anything at all
What will come of it
Remains yet to be seen
Bare hands on bare skin
Or the barren landscape of another self-indulgent war
Where all becomes a vain death
But the creative womb
That will never cease to be

What will we make of it
Remains as yet to be seen
Dust in the breeze of the cosmic sea
Or tree in a field of sunflowers
And poppies to be.

Celia M Paulo

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Amar! (Florbela Espanca, in "Charneca em Flor")

Amar!Eu quero amar, amar perdidamente! 
Amar só por amar: Aqui... além... 
Mais Este e Aquele, o Outro e toda a gente... 
Amar! Amar! E não amar ninguém! 

Recordar? Esquecer? Indiferente!... 
Prender ou desprender? É mal? É bem? 
Quem disser que se pode amar alguém 
Durante a vida inteira é porque mente! 

Há uma Primavera em cada vida: 
É preciso cantá-la assim florida, 
Pois se Deus nos deu voz, foi pra cantar! 

E se um dia hei de ser pó, cinza e nada 
Que seja a minha noite uma alvorada, 
Que me saiba perder... pra me encontrar... 

Florbela Espanca, in "Charneca em Flor"

O Poema da Nêspera (Mário Henrique Leiria)

-Para quem fica à espera que as coisas aconteçam.-

"Uma nêspera
Estava na cama
Muito calada
A ver
O que acontecia
Chegou uma Velha
E disse
Olha uma nêspera
E zás comeu-a
É o que acontece
Às nêsperas
Que ficam deitadas
A esperar
O que acontece”

Atchim (ai k já estou constipada)!!!

Sinto-me dissonante nestas lides. 

Pões e tiras o k trazes vestido,

Em ondas sucessivas de movimentos repetidos,

De um acto consumado e consentido.

Onde? Como? Quando?

E falas tanto e tão alto,

Nesse tira e põe frenético de sentido.

Mas, raios te partam

K ñ me dizes nada.

Se a progenitora ñ fosse perpétua,

K seria desta viagem sem destino?

E eu aqui, a apanhar este frio!

Arre, há dias em k mais valia ter nascido no tjukurpa de Gaia.

Célia M Paulo

Antonio Gedão - Pedra filosofal.wmv

My way

Light up the sky

Poetry in motion

Focus on the solution

Snowfall by Célia Paulo

Photo: ❤


O teu perfume exclusivo
Desperta-me os sentidos
Tanto, que dou por mim, tal qual ávida leitora
Que em braille, vê com os dedos
O sol nascente, nos contornos de teu rosto
Olho-te, olhos nos olhos
E nesse olhar lânguido de prazer
Meu corpo procura o calor do teu
Como um barco que inefavelmente sedento e saudoso
Regressa ao seu oriundo porto de abrigo
Tudo vai, tudo vem
Tu és meu princípio, meu fim
Meu fim, meu começo
Esta ponte
Meu sol poente
A mar, mar, mar-te
Sou eu.

Célia Paulo

For All That I Can See

Amongst the crowd
Another ride 
On the merry-go-round
Enchanted dream 
An angel dancing on a cloud
A quartet of strings 
Playing on the background
The ride comes to a halt
Content feet grace the ground
As one walks the trail
As part of a God-given sound

Copyright ©2006 Celia M. Paulo